The night before a large number of volunteers leave we host a banquet to celebrate their service. Lee and I attended our 5th Banquet tonight and it was the toughest goodbye yet. The entire group will not be departing tomorrow, just 4 which makes it even harder. Laura and Heidi will leave later this month, then Maddy in January followed by Julie and Anna in February.
The banquet program normally consists of a dinner, speakers, a musical number, a slide-show, a ring ceremony and a candle ceremony. Each group chooses a theme for the banquet. I do not know the theme until I arrive at the banquet and read it on the printed program. Tonight I sat down, picked up the program and read the evenings theme: "
He Has Sent Me Here." I instantly teared up and received a witnessed that God, our Heavenly Father
has sent us here.
Here is a group photo that we took before the tears.

He sent Michael, Julie, Heidi, Maggie, Eliza, Jordan, Kate, Maddy, Anna, Laura, Danika and Lee here at THIS time to share THIS experience. He sent Michael to teach us how to up our exercise routine. He sent Julie to remind us to slow down and laugh. He sent Heidi to keep healthy food stocked in the house. He sent Maggie to teach us the beauty of youth. He sent Eliza to show us that change are possible for anyone. He sent us Jordan to strengthen our testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He sent us Kate to re-energize our efforts at planning meaningful activities for the children. He sent us Maddy to help us reflect on the importance of our education. He sent us Anna to ease the pain of being far from home. And He sent Laura to nurture us.

Lee and I are in charge of organizing the candle ceremony. We have the group stand in a circle and each hold a candle. Lee lights one candle and begins singing the hymn "
Because I Have Been Given Much." As he sings he lights the candles of the people standing next to him and they begins to sing once their candle is lit. The flame continues to spread around the circle and the volume slowly begins to increase until the entire circle is lit and everyone is singing. (We sing the first two verses in English and the third in Spanish.)
Because I have been given much, I too must give;Because of they great bounty, Lord, each day I live I shall divide my gifts from thee With ev’ry brother that I see Who has the need of help from me. Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care,I cannot see another’s lack and I not share My glowing fire, my loaf of bread, My roof’s safe shelter overhead, That he too may be comforted.
Tú me has dado muchas bendiciones, Dios; por eso quiero dar también, según Tu voz. A mi hermano atenderé, su gran dolor mitigaré;a mi prójimo mi amor daré.
Normally the evening ends quickly after the candle ceremony. But tonight we lingered to hold each other.

Above: Heidi and Kate, Maggie and Danika saying goodbye.

Danika and Kate

Danika and Eliza.
He has sent us here.
After reading this the first time I was unable to respond, the tears of joy I felt were flowing just too much. Yes, He HAS sent you here. These tears were evidence of the multitude of His tender mercies. Like the Jaredites tossed in the depths of the sea (Ether6), protected by their vessel filled with light, at this point in your young lives, you are giving thanks for being in the promised land.