Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Running Partner For All Eternity

I love to exercise and I especially love exercising with my husband. In the past Lee was too busy with school to exercise, plus he didn't really like it. When I would ask him to go for a run with me he would say, " I don't like to just go 'running', If I run I like to run AFTER something, like a soccer ball." So I used to worked out alone or with a group of girlfriends. But since arriving in Cuenca we have began to exercise together.We run 4 days a week and lift or do an exercise DVD the other 2 days. I have been so grateful for his willingness to exercise with me! However sometimes I forget that it is a blessing that he is willing to excerise with me.

One day we were out running the Tomebamba river and he raced off in front of me.I knew that if I asked him to slow down he would say 'your pace is too slow, speed up'. So I stopped and walked.Lee noticed and slowed down to walk with me. He asked, "what are you doing?" to which I replied, " I would rather be equally yoked and walk the whole way than run behind you by myself." Lee didn't respond nor did he need to, I was being stubborn. We walked in silence for a couple of minutes and during those minutes words from a poem I wrote in the Summer of 2005 came to my mind. At the time I was frustrated with the dating scene and I yearned for a meaningful relationship. It reads:

Early to bed and earlier we’d rise,

We set the limit as the skies.

We’d chart the path and measure distance

A mixture of hills and flats we’d choose with consistence.

Each challenging hill made us stronger,

While the flats allowed time to reflect and ponder.

As our confidence built we’d add more miles,

Reaching our end goal we’d be all smiles.

One day we chose a road that split left and right

We went our separate ways and that was alright.

During the farewell my smile remained

For an inner love of running I had gained

Occasionally someone will join me for a run,

But as we approach the hill they say “I’m done.”

Fall, winter and spring I’ve been running alone,

It’s from this time that I have grown,

Grown to love the wind in my face,

Grown to see nature's abundant grace.

When I run I feel of God eternal love,

His blessings I strive to be worthy of.

Some day I will find a man to run with me,

A running partner for all eternity.

But for now I wear these shoes and in them learn

Faithfulness to the straight and narrow will bring what I yearn.

I earnestly move each day in that direction,

Never veering from the path that provides divine protection

The way has been charted with each one of us in mind

The distance can be made by all mankind…

I found my "eternal running companion" and on May 23, 2008 we were sealed in the Los Angeles temple. The words of the poem remind me that Lee is a gift to be cherished. Life with him is meant to be enjoyed. The poor guys was just enjoying the run, isn't that what I should want?! When I nag or bring negativity into our home I overlook the blessings of marriage. If we are faithful to our covenants and cherish each other, our hearts will be opened to all of the blessings God has intended for us to enjoy as husband and wife.

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