Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mischievous Lee

Our apartment is - for lack of a better term - a mega phone. Not only can we hear everything the volunteers talk about when they are in the kitchen or the laundry room but they can hear us as well. For example, if we are listening to music downstairs in our apartment at a moderate volume the sound carries up to the upper level and amplifies the volume. I am very sensitive about this and am always reminding Lee to be quieter, whether in regular conversation or even in more quiet, private discussions. He thinks it´s hilarious and uses it to purposely embarrass me.

If Lee gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek and it makes a lip-smacking sound, I thank him for the kiss and then remind him to not make a lip smacking sound so that we don’t disturb the volunteers. To this he grins mischievously and runs circles in our living room giving loud, lip smacking kisses to the air. Everyone can hear him, but alas, I cannot make him grow up.

PS – Lee was involved in the editing of this post, so he knows full well how I feel about this.

1 comment:

  1. If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!" (Peter Pan)
