Every Monday night we take turns with the Roseros teaching a Family Home Evening lesson and preparing an activity. We always look forward to this private time that we get to spend with the Roseros outside of work. This week was our turn, so Lee prepared the lesson and I prepared the activity. Lee based his lesson on the following quote:
"A young man came to Socrates one time and said, 'Mr. Socrates, I have come 1,600 miles to talk to you about wisdom and learning.' He said, 'You are a man of wisdom and learning, and I would like to have you teach me how to be a man of wisdom and learning.' Socrates said, 'Come follow me,' and he led the way down to the seashore. They waded out into the water up to their waists, and then Socrates turned on his friend and held his head under the water. His friend struggled and kicked and bucked and tried to get away, but Socrates held him down. … And after this man had stopped struggling, Socrates laid him out on the bank to dry, and he went back to the market place. After the young man had dried out a little bit, he came back to Socrates and find out the reason for this rather unusual behavior. Socrates said to him, 'When your head was under the water, what was the one thing you wanted more than anything else?' And the man said, 'More than anything else, I wanted air.' Socrates said, 'All right, when you want wisdom and learning like you wanted air, you won't have to ask anybody to give it to you."(Elder Sterling W. Sill, "The Five Fingers of Leadership Success," in Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [9 Feb. 1965], 9).
The discussion was inspiring, the activity was odd and totally hilarious. We used scotch tape to deform our faces. Where did I learn this? My father of course.
Owens style
One evening, when I was around 13 years old, each of us siblings stood in line waiting to have Dad contort our faces with tape. We laughed and laughed as we rehearsed the phrase we were told to tell our mother. Finally it was time for the big reveal and when mom came in the room we yelled, "THIS is what we would have look like had you married another man, Its a good thing you married Dad!"
Roseros/Rogers style
Here Sammy is taping up her brothers face....
"A young man came to Socrates one time and said, 'Mr. Socrates, I have come 1,600 miles to talk to you about wisdom and learning.' He said, 'You are a man of wisdom and learning, and I would like to have you teach me how to be a man of wisdom and learning.' Socrates said, 'Come follow me,' and he led the way down to the seashore. They waded out into the water up to their waists, and then Socrates turned on his friend and held his head under the water. His friend struggled and kicked and bucked and tried to get away, but Socrates held him down. … And after this man had stopped struggling, Socrates laid him out on the bank to dry, and he went back to the market place. After the young man had dried out a little bit, he came back to Socrates and find out the reason for this rather unusual behavior. Socrates said to him, 'When your head was under the water, what was the one thing you wanted more than anything else?' And the man said, 'More than anything else, I wanted air.' Socrates said, 'All right, when you want wisdom and learning like you wanted air, you won't have to ask anybody to give it to you."(Elder Sterling W. Sill, "The Five Fingers of Leadership Success," in Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [9 Feb. 1965], 9).
The discussion was inspiring, the activity was odd and totally hilarious. We used scotch tape to deform our faces. Where did I learn this? My father of course.
Owens style
One evening, when I was around 13 years old, each of us siblings stood in line waiting to have Dad contort our faces with tape. We laughed and laughed as we rehearsed the phrase we were told to tell our mother. Finally it was time for the big reveal and when mom came in the room we yelled, "THIS is what we would have look like had you married another man, Its a good thing you married Dad!"
Roseros/Rogers style
Here Sammy is taping up her brothers face....
Lee and Sammy taping up my face....
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