Thursday, August 12, 2010


We go shopping at this market every Tuesday and Friday. Even though it is only 5 blocks from the house we have to taxi the large load back to the house. On average we house/feed 20-30 people per week.

Here we are walking home from church at around 11:15am. And how do we get to church? Either catch a ride with the Roseros ( if they are do not have early morning meetings) or walk. In order to walk we need to leave the house by 7:25am.
This photo is taken from the drive way at Los Pequenitos de OSSO. It is not uncommon to see people walking their cows.
This cathedral is located in the center of town, about 20 blocks from our home.
The view from the fifth floor of our home.

1 comment:

  1. that market looks like heaven! haha all the colors..yum!

    i heard about the cows :) aha

    and the views are sooo amazing!

    i cant wait to be living this different but i want to experience it so bad!
